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different types of seo techniques

Different Types of SEO Techniques To Grow your Business | Tips & Tricks

In today’s Digital World, it is essential to optimize presence of your business online.


Search Engine Optimization is trending in Online Marketing world.


A website is not enough to get prospective customers for your business.


In order to promote your business online, you must have SEO friendly website following Different Types of SEO Techniques.


These days, the major concern of people is to get higher rankings in Google, Bing searches. (People mostly prefer Google Searches so I will be talking about Google Searches).


There are various grey hat techniques that are being used to find ranking, but it does not work all the time.

different types of seo techniques

Why use Search Engine Optimization techniques


SEO optimization technique helps the website to get higher rankings in Google searches.


Google has a set of algorithms which it follows in order to rank a particular page in the searches.


Considering the algorithms and basic behaviour of Google, SEO consultants work on the website which improves the website visibility online.


Enhanced website visibility makes it easier to drive quality traffic and get good business.

Different Types of SEO Techniques


    1. White Hat SEO
      1. Research and Analysis

      2. SEO Oriented Websites

      3. Beware of the Competition


    2. Gray Hat SEO
      1. Paid Content Marketing and Reviews

      2. Buying Old Domains or Popular Old Websites

      3. Automating the Social Media, Buying the Traffic and Followers


    3. Black Hat SEO
      1. Keyword Density

      2. Unauthentic Content

      3. Hidden Content or Hidden Text

      4. Doorway Pages

How to implement SEO?


Implementing simple SEO techniques on your website is very easy and can be done by anyone by following proper steps.


There are certain basics which people tend to forget while optimising their website.


By making these basic changes, you can easily improve your website ranking over the period of time.

Top 10 Different Types of SEO Techniques


Here are some basic tips to improve your website ranking for Google searches:

    • Proper keyword research relevant to your business

    • Competitor analysis to understand target keywords

    • Content relevancy to your website

    • Restructuring your website by adding title tags, description tags, Meta tags and Header tags.

    • Creating XML and site map for your website

    • Listing your business in local listings

    • Link building for driving traffic to your website

    • Participating in forum discussions

    • Submitting articles on some good sites

    • Connecting website and social platforms
types of seo techniques

Apart from this, it is important to take help of SEO analytics tools to check your website performance and take required measures to make improvements.


Google analytics is one such free tool which helps a lot in analysing the website.


If you follow these Different Types of SEO Techniques or steps, you will be able to see small improvements in your website.


In my next blog I will be briefing about all the suggested techniques mentioned in this blog and how it will improve your page ranking.


Search Engine Optimization is more like a process, which is done to increase the chances of ranking in Search Engine.


It is a fact that there are billion pages online giving information about various topics.


It is necessary to inform search engines about the page to be visible for users.


The above Different Types of SEO Techniques provide an opportunity for people to display their page or information for Search engine users.


Teknotrait is one of the popular digital marketing firms in the country, which is offering quality online and offline SEO services to industries from various fields.

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