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Why mobile application testing is important

Why Mobile Application Testing is Important

Technology has taken a big leap and it has become essential for people to use advanced options to perform their day to day activities.


There are very few companies or businesses prefer operating without using a mobile app.


Therefore, Every mobile app owner needs to understand as to why mobile application testing is important because it could cause dearly during unfortunate situations.


Mobile applications are using to interact with both customers and employees.


Most of the companies have provided an option for their employees to use an app to log information based on business and personal things.


According to a survey, users are more comfortable using a mobile app than a website.


It is high time that we all should learn the fact that websites are becoming extinct.

Why Mobile Application Testing is Important

Testing is one of the important steps to take before launching to the market.


It ensures to offer quality and avoid bugs to misuse information.


As technology is evolving at a great speed, it is evident that hackers can find easy ways to peek into your app and information. 


Mobile application testing is important because it allows companies to develop apps to scale and access in all platforms.


The process developed to test various elements in the app for smooth functionality. 


The testing activity is performed in both Automated testing and manual testing ways.


Both come with an equal amount of advantages and disadvantages.


The current day testers prefer using automation technology be aspects testing the process would be


  • Functionality

  • Usability

  • Consistency
Benefits of Mobile application testing

What is Mobile Application Testing

Mobile application testing is one of the vital parts of the entire development process.


Security is one of the important parts of both software development and software testing.


There are different varieties of mobile operating systems available in the market.


Providing an option to use in all Mobile OS is preferred to avoid any kind of hassles. 


Security testing is one of the essential types of testing because it lists out the bugs related to security.


As some of the companies prefer storing a huge amount of data, it is necessary to have effective security testing done to stay away from a data breach. 


Important factors to concentrate on better mobile app functionality


Some of the things, which are determined with testing results would be 


  1. Seamless functionality

  2. Downloadable errors

  3. Different gadget user experience

Why is it Important to Test Your Apps?

Any bugs left out while developing a mobile app can cause heavy for app owners.


Some of the major bugs can cause a lot of damage to the apps in various ways.


There are tons and tons of applications available in the market.


Hence, finding bugs in the early stages lets you rectify easily. 


Testing your app plays an important role especially while you are going live to the public.


People abandon apps without thinking twice because of security and gadget performance concerns.


If users uninstall your app because of bugs, it ruins your reputation.


Therefore, it is necessary to test your apps before launching for users to download.


Why Mobile Application Testing is Important


  • Evaluates Performance

  • Bug finding and fixing

  • Real-life usage

  • Real Device results

What Should I Test in Mobile Application

Testing is a mammoth process.


Hence, it is always essential to look out for a professional for a consultation.


Teknotrait is one of the testing leaders in the industry, which has a reputation for delivering quality. 


It offers a wide range of testing services based on the demand and the requirement.


We provide testing performed on different mobile devices to ensure better quality in the real-time.


So, mobile users would not have trouble in using the app for a long time without compromising on productivity.


Different Kinds of Mobile Application Testing

Some of the our services have highly appreciated by our clients because of the convenience.


Our free audit towards your app lets you have a fair idea about your application.


This should help you find out the actual requirement all by yourself.


  1. Documentation Testing

  2. Performance Testing

  3. Functional Testing

  4. Recovery Testing

  5. Usability Testing

  6. Compatibility Testing

  7. UI or User Interface Testing

  8. Security Testing

  9. Localization Testing

  10. Change Related Testing

  11. Beta Testing

  12. Certification Testing

Benefits of Mobile Application Testing


  1. Test Applications on all popular devices

  2. Find a flexible solution

  3. Easy Bug finding activity

  4. Data for improvisation

  5. Provides room for more options

Test applications on all popular devices

Devices and operating systems have been increasing in the market.


Every app owner prefers having a perfect app, which can be used on all platforms.


Mobile application cloud testing gives out an option to test on all platforms virtually.


Therefore, it would be easy to offer regular updates for all devices.


Find a flexible solution

Bugs and errors are a day to day problem because of various reasons.


A small update from the operating system or the phone manufacturer could take the developer’s sleep away.


Hence, it is important to test mobile apps regularly to find out errors and solution to living with the technology.


Easy Bug finding activity

It is easy to find bugs using the testing process.


Some of the test plans are written by professionals with more than 10 years of experience.


Hence, it is crucial to use the right plan to follow a systematic process and find bugs.


Once the bugs are fixed by mobile app developers, the application can be released over to the public to have a smooth activity.

Why is it important to test your apps?

Features of Mobile Application Testing


  1. Improves Quality

  2. Security

  3. Saves Money and Improves Productivity

  4. Proper Functionality

  5. Enhances Performance

Improves Quality 

Quality is one of the crucial factors for both users and admins.


There are a lot of mobile app testing tools in the market.


Most of them offer a huge amount of options in the tool to enhance the quality to a major extent.


So, a regular set of updates with continuous improvisations lets you improve quality.


A quality app gives a good chance of attracting more downloads all the time.



There is no way that you can have an app without having security factors tested.


There are a list of protocols, which needs to have performed to confirm its security.


Therefore, every company comes with a wide range of mobile simulators available in the market.


Ensure to use all options at your disposal to perform security testing before launching the app.


Saves Money and Improves Productivity

Now, if at all you are looking forward to testing your app yourself, I dont think, it would be a good idea.


The quality of the app is directly associated with various factors in the mobile application.


Our testing process gives you a good idea in terms of multiple factors to improve productivity and save money.


Proper Functionality

The functionality of the app changes the user to a potential customer.


There are an ample number of mobile applications in the market, which demands money to use.


The app would be having the same size as other apps, but it would come with advanced features.


Hence, quality functionality may help you bring more revenue to the company by having more downloads from time to time.


Enhances Performance

There cannot be a perfect app without effective performance.


It is said that the quality and the success of the app is directly related to the performance.


Only some of the reputed companies in the market offer an app with good performance.


Hence, finding a way to improve your performance regularly can help you achieve success quickly.


Mobile application testing lets you have a good idea to improve performance and quality.

What should I test in mobile application


Now that you know Why mobile application testing is important, it is all about your wish to have your app tested.


Launching any kind of app to the market without testing is considered as a foolish idea because of various reasons.


As the overall performance and the quality of the app can be turned upside-down with a simple testing process.


Teknotrait is one of the reputed companies in India, which is offering different kinds of mobile application testing services.


We offer a free audit of your app, which lets you decide on further action.


Do contact us for enquiries and to test your mobile application.

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