Difference between Black Box and White Box Testing

Difference between Black Box and White Box Testing

It is important to know and understand the testing process before knowing the types.

The modern-day applications are facing a huge amount of challenge because of security.

Know the difference between black box and white box testing to opt for the right activity for the app.

It is vital to know and understand the different types of testing in glass box because it helps you enjoy safety.

Every operating system comes with a different set of source codes to access the software. Know what is black box testing and whitebox testing to understand the necessity. 

There are different types of black box testing. Software testing is generally classified into two types because of various reasons. It is necessary to know both the types because it helps in taking better mileage of the process.


What is Black Box Testing and White Box Testing

What is White Box Testing 

White box testing is a popular method and seen using in various scenarios.

The structural test plays a major role in every testing activity because of results.

The internal structure or design is transparent in white box software testing. The tester will not have an idea or information about items tested.

There are plenty of benefits involved in white box testing.

The method is commonly found among small scale operations.

There is a wide range of testing tools available, which is used to set up the automation process.

What is Black Box Testing

Black box testing offers a different kind of advantages compared to white-box testing.

The method is highly popular because of effective results and time consumption.

Black box testing is generally found in large-scale operations because of obvious reasons.

Black Box testing is an alternative method to a certain extent.

The major difference between blackbox and whitebox testing from a tester perspective is that the tester will have access to see items.

Difference between Blackbox and Whitebox testing

 White Box TestingBlack Box Testing

Testing Base

Tester will have huge room to test accordingly. Internal factors will be known to the testerExternal expectations play a crucial role in black box testing. The internal behaviour of the applications remains unknown


White Box testing is suitable for small scale operations. Small scale operations include integration testing and unit testingBlack Box testing is highly used in Large scale operations. Large scale operations like acceptance testing and system testing

Programming Knowledge requirement

Programing knowledge is necessary to perform white box testingBlack box testing is a simple activity, which does not require a huge amount of programming knowledge

Implementation of knowledge Requirement

Implementation knowledge is essential to understand the activity and resultsBlack Box testing comes with friendly options, which does not need Implementation knowledge

Automation Testing

Automation of white box testing activities are easy.Black Box Testing requires a good co-ordination between testers and programmers. So, it is not possible to automate the process easily.


The main objective of using white box testing method is to check the code quality.The primary objective of the black box testing is the know and understand the system functionality

Test Case Basics

Detail design document is necessary before starting the testing processRequirement specification document is necessary before starting the testing process

Tested By

White box testing is performed by testers and developers.Black Box Testing is generally performed by the developer, tester and the end user.


High GranularityLow Granularity

Testing Method

White box testing helps in testing data domain and internal boundariesBlack box testing is highly based on trial and error method

Time Consumption

Consumes less time, but exhaustiveConsumes a lot of time, but less exhaustive

Algorithm test

Suitable for algorithm testingNot suitable for algorithm testing

Code Access

Code access is mandatoryCode access is not necessary

Skill level

Expert testing knowledge is necessaryBelow average skills are enough

Types of Black Box and White Box Testing

Black Box Testing Types

Types are testing are generally determined based on the actual necessity. Most of the software testing by testers prefer following a strategy to find results. It is important to have proper testing data before opting for Black Box testing process.

The internal structure of the software plays a vital role to perform black-box testing. There are different kinds of software testing method and requires a wise call to start.


White Box Testing Types

White Box Testing types are simple compared to black-box testing types. The performance functionality of the application play a crucial role to select the testing type. Finding the right type is an important element because it helps in finding expected outputs.

The automation test process has gained a lot of attention because it helps in saving money and time. White box tester prefers using automation scripts to perform large scale operations quickly.

    • Unit Testing
    • Memory Leak Testing


There are a large number of test cases, which requires detailed testing. The test scenario determines the method usage of software testing in general. It is important to know and understand various elements of structural test methods. Accurate information helps in finding the right process.

It is necessary to find the difference between black and white box testing because it helps in picking the right options effectively. Most of the people prefer using blackbox testing technique to perform large-scale operations.


Opmimizely is simple to use and minimal featured tool.

There is no necessity of using codes while setting up. It comes with a friendly dashboard to set up the account and test activities.

It is a well-known platform and is familiar with testers in the market.

A lot of companies providing remote usability testing services prefer using because of its comparison features. 

A/B testing is a popular terminology used in testing various elements in testing.

Optimizely provides a well-known application for its excellent A/B testing feature. It is used commonly, and the platform has no competition in beating this feature.


Key Features

    • A/B Testing
    • No Coding required
    • Ability to test advanced technology pages.
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