microservice vs monolithic

Microservice vs Monolithic Architecture | Features | Definition

What is Microservice architecture

Developing an application requires web design, expert teams, and the organization of those teams.


The teams must be organized in a way that every member is assigned to work on diverse services.


It is necessary to know the difference microservice vs monolithic architecture because it helps in understanding the task easily.


Assigning all these teams with services is a mind-boggling job and to reduce the very same, Monolithic Architecture was introduced. 


What is Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic Architecture is a modular structure of components exclusively for software.


The components are- database, client-side user interface, and server-side interface.


It is a simple structure with a centralized database for all the services and with a single path for all the request transfers.


This makes things arduous.


The deployment is slow and any fault in one of the services shuts down the entire system until the fault is fixed.


So, an alternative, Microservice architecture, was found.


It overcomes the limitations of monolithic architecture. Let us look at them closely.

microservices architecture

Features of Microservice Application or Architecture



The components here are the database, client-side user interface, and service-side interface.


Componentization is the process of organizing all the components in a manner that they are all independent.


The unique feature about microservice architecture is that it has independent components connected in a way that they can be replaced and upgraded separately.


This feature enables the server to use the libraries from a third party, which is a lot more difficult with Monolithic Architecture.



The problem with Monolithic architecture is that every service has to access data from a single, central database, which is time-consuming.


Therefore, Microservice architecture has a separate database for each service.


This way it has better and faster testability for small services.


An added advantage is also that the services take their own decision.


It is less troublesome.


Infrastructure automation

The fortunate or unfortunate truth about Microservice is that it collapses.


The services are always checked for bugs frequently, because of a tool called chaos monkey, which randomly stops any service to check how the other services respond to it and how long it takes to be fixed.


Chaos Monkey is used to check the quality of services.


It reduces the chances of waiting for the random occurrence of events for testability of services, therefore considered, the best tool.


Fault Isolation

As mentioned, the decentralization has the components organized separately, which means any troubleshooting in any service doesn’t affect the working of the entire system or service.


Unlike monolithic architecture, where any trouble in service leads to the breakdown of the entire system.


This is a very important factor to keep the system working, and meanwhile fixing the bug.

microservices architecture java

Features of Monolithic Architecture against Microservice



JAuthorization is one of the major factors to consider before starting the process.
JIt is essentialJ to know and understand different elements of the architecture.
Monolithic Architecture is an outdated process but offers plenty of benefits for users.
Know some of the important elements among microservice vs monolithic architecture to understand the actual features.


JIt is a known fact that presentation is a crucial element for every process to gain the right result.
JMonolithic architecture helps in handling requests related to HTTP, HTML and JSON or XML. JAs most of the programming languages Jare related Jto web services, it is evident that people will be in need of monolithic architecture.

Easy to develop

JEvery user prefers using a friendly interface because it helps in performing tasks Jeasily.
J Development plays an important role for every user because of various reasons.
The monolithic architecture allows users to develop Jeasily and Jquickly.

Simple to test

JTesting is an important phase for every project.
JTherefore, Jit is necessary for every firm to conduct a testing activity to ensure smooth access.
JMost of the modern-day testers prefer using automation process because it helps in saving time.
JMonolithic architecture offers a cleanroom to perform different kinds of testing easily.

Easy deployment

JEasy deployment in the process attracts a lot of people while performing.
Monolithic architecture is designed Jto ensure a smooth process without affecting the performance.
JEasy deployment is one of the most common factors seen while performing the process to find quality results.

JEasy scaling options

JScaling options let the user enjoy better features compared to the other process.


JThe advanced set of options in the architecture enables the user to enjoy Jmaximum Jconvenience from time to time.

monolithic vs microservice

Microservice vs Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic ArchitectureMicroservice Architecture
Monolithic architecture is a traditional and initial architectural style of deploying the components of a simple application.
Microservice architecture is the application platform that resolves the data management issue, to support different clients on different devices. It is an architectural style where the application components are loosely packed, which implements business capabilities.
Monolithic Architecture is a simple deployment of an application into a fairly large team for each service.
Microservice architecture is a server-side enterprise application, that organizes the development effort around multiple auto teams.
The monolithic architecture features a single database for all the services to be accessed from. The code used for all the services is in one language.
Microservice architecture has a separate database for each service and also the feature to use different languages for different services.
Since Monolithic architecture has a single database, a fault in any service will lead to the breakdown of the whole system, and the system remains shut till the bug is fixed.
Microservice architecture, with an advantage of the distributed database for each service, can fix the fault without the breakdown of the system.
microservice vs monolithic


Companies like AmazonNetflix, Uber and, E-bay believe in the concept of not keeping all their eggs in one basket.


They all have shifted from monolithic architecture to microservice architecture for the separate deployable units.


All these companies have 100-800 different services, so microservice enables them the continuous delivery of the large complex application.


It is vital for people to connect with a reputed organisation in the market to find quality results. 


Teknotrait offers a complete end to end solutions on both microservice and monolithic architecture to increase convinience for users.


The Microservice architecture is spreading its wings and is considered crucial in applications with multiple distributed missions.


The architecture used to build collective services in an application can be used in production operations, independently.

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