Top 10 software testing tools | Testing tools in software | Pros & Cons

There are various kinds of tools present in the field of software engineering. Most of the tools are specific to perform certain kinds of tasks. It is important to consider exploring Top 10 software testing tools. Using the right kind of tools gives you access to various beneficial features.

Software engineering is one of the most popular courses available in engineering. There are varieties of subcategories in software engineering. 

It is up to the student to take up the right choice based on his or her interest. Testing is one of the subcategories, which has a lot of demand because of various reasons.


What is software testing?

It is true that every individual uses the software in one or the other way every day. There are millions of software or applications found in the world. Every software goes through a testing phase to evaluate the quality. Testing software in all angles plays a vital role to enhance the user experience and quality.

Software testing is in huge demand across the world. Every software requires an effective testing activity before launch. It is evident that technology provides access to make the job easier. 

Testing tools offers ways to complete the process without affecting the quality. Some of the modern tools come with a whole lot of features to find quick and quality results.

What are the testing tools in software engineering

The Software testing tool helps testers to complete the testing process in an easy way. Therefore, it is essential for software engineers to explore different kinds of tools based on features to save time. Testing tools have evolved to a great extent now because of the huge demand.

Most of the testers prefer using tools in both free and paid versions to take full mileage of the technology. Every software testing tutorial in both online and offline sources gives information about tools. Software testing tools is necessary because it helps in saving a lot of time and effort.

When to use the testing tool

The software testing process involves plenty of steps to perform from time to time. Depending on the client’s expectation and demand, the steps are generally finalized. Most of the modern day tools comes with plenty of features to make testers time easy. Testing tools comes into picture because it helps testers to find quick solutions.

Every testing activity requires a huge amount of planning because of various reasons. Every step in the testing activity offers different kinds of results. Hence, it is necessary to know and understand the testing tool before using for the activity.

Most of the testers prefer using the tool in both initial stages and final stages. Using tools in all stages enables testers to save a lot of time. Therefore, it is important to finalize the tools using to find quality results from time to time.

How to use software testing tools

Every software testing tutorial gives you enough information about the required steps. Software testing tools are available in plenty. Hence, finding the right tool gives enough room to test different kinds of software.

Software testing tools needs to be used in a perfect manner. Using tools depending on the necessity assists you in getting good results. There are different types of software testing. Hence, it is important to get the right set of tools to find quality results.

It is true that there are hundreds of software testing tools available in the market. Tools are designed and developed to serve different kinds of purposes. It is important to know and understand the specifications and the features of the tool because it helps in using correctly.

Top 10 software testing tools 

  • Selenium
  • UFT or Unified Functional Testing
  • Test Complete
  • SoapUI
  • IBM RFT (Rational Functional Tester)
  • Tricentis Tosca 
  • Ranorex
  • Postman
  • Apache JMeter
  • Katalon Studio

10 best Testing tools in software engineering


Selenium is one of the most popular tools for testers because of various reasons. Selenium stays in the front seat among all other testing tools because of features and options. According to the latest survey, 90% of testers prefer using selenium over other tools due to options. 

Selenium provides a wide range of flexible options. Therefore, it is essential to explore features and options from time to time. The versatile characteristics provide benefits to enjoy features without affecting the quality.


Pros and Cons of Selenium

  • Open Source
  • User friendly interface
  • Sufficient options
  • No major Cons

UFT or Unified Functional Testing

It is a fact that testing happens for various applications. It is necessary to pick the right testing tool because of time and quality constraints. Unified Functional testing tool is a top pick for most of the professionals because of interface. The user friendly tool has given a wide range of options to work without affecting the quality.

Selenium is one of the top most tools used by testers in the world. UFT is one of the best alternative tool for Selenium users because it offers maximum number of options. The tool is suitable to test desktop, web and mobile applications. Therefore, Unified functional testing tool is highly used in commercial environments.


Pros and Cons of UFT 

Pros of UFT
  • Intuitive interface for execution
  • Supports extensive API testing
  • More number of options
Cons of UFT
  • No proper diagrams visualization
  • Slow output

Test Complete

Test Complete is one of the most popular tools for testers in the market. It has a list of powerful set of features to test web, mobile and desktop applications. The tool comes with a support option for JavaScript, Python, VBScript, and C++Script. The multi purpose feature adds as a feature for testers to use every day.

Test Complete concentrates on providing various options to enhance the user experience. It offers an object recognition engine to enhance the quality of the reports. The object recognition engine allows user to detect dynamic user interface aspects accurately.


Pros and Cons of Testcomplete

Pros of TestComplete
  • Effective record and playback feature
  • Object recognition engine
  • Supports multiple languages
Cons of TestComplete
  • Takes a long time to learn
  • No Regular updates


Most of the testers in the current generation prefer using an app to suit every purpose. SoapUI has a huge audience using for API testing benefits. The testing tool offers a wide range of features while conducting API Testing activities. The tool has a fabulous feature of supporting both SOAP and REST services. Therefore, modern day testers prefer using SoapUI exclusively for API testing.

The tool comes in both free and paid versions. Free version does not offer a whole lot of features compared to the paid version. Therefore, it is recommended to check and explore both the versions to enjoy more features.


Pros and Cons of SoapUI

Pros of SoapUI
  • Testing in an Asynchronous 
  • Reusable Scripts
  • Data Driven testing
Cons of SoapUI
  • No much options in free version
  • Expensive paid version of the tool

IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT)

It is true that applications are developed using different kinds of languages. Most of the current day technologies use an advanced version of programing language to enhance results. RFT comes with test automation feature to support more factors easily. It has the capability to work with .net, visual basic, SAP, PowerBuilder, Dojo Toolkit and so on.

The automation tool is developed and maintained by IBM. The tool is designed to have a powerful data driven testing platform. An effective data driven testing platform helps in regression and functional testing. The extraordinary features such as ‘storyboard testing’ lets you visualize and edit at the same time.


Pros and Cons of IBM RFT

Pros of RFT
  • Supports massive testing activities
  • Works with multiple programing languages
  • No Downtime
Cons of RFT

No Free version

Tricentis Tosca

Tosca is one of the new testing platforms in the market. It has attracted a lot of users because of advanced features. The tool comes with comprehensive options to test various kinds of applications. Experienced testers prefer using Tosca because of user-friendly features and faster results

User-friendly options in the tool play an important role because of obvious reasons. The tool allows users to perform different kinds of testing using test automation techniques. The dashboard and analytics features enables people to enjoy time consistency with performance.


Pros and Cons of Tosca

Pros of Tosca
  • Easy Integration
  • Testing can be performed on browsers
  • Various test automation techniques
Cons of Tosca
  • No much cons


Ranorex is around for a long time now compared to other tools in the market. A set of professional features lets users enjoy quality testing activities. Therefore, it is essential to use for web, desktop and mobile testing from time to time. Renorex comes with advanced set of factors to enhance management and editing elements.

The tool enables testers to integrate various alternatives katalon studio, selenium grid and so on. The high level distributed testing options has attracted a lot of people because it allows people to save both money and time.


Pros and Cons of Ranorex


Pros of Ranorex
  • Professional features
  • Advanced set of features
  • Regular updates


Cons of Ranorex
  • Expensive paid version


API testing is one of the highly demanding tasks in the world. It is important for testers to find the right tool to take more mileage on the options. Postman is a simple, yet powerful tool because of extensive features. The tool has a lot of fanship across the world because it provides extra features that no other tools allow.

Postman is one of the best automation tools designed exclusively for API testing. It provides an option to install as a browser extension, which enables you to work without wasting time. Few of the testers prefer using Postman as a desktop application to reduce load timing.


Pros and Cons of Postman

Pros of Postman
  • User friendly interface
  • Supports automation and exploratory testing
  • Exclusively designed for API testing
Cons of Postman
  • No Free version

Apache JMeter

It is evident that some of the testers prefer using free application before opting for a paid option. There are various tools in the market. JMeter has a huge amount of users from different parts of the world because of easy options. Apache JMeter is a free tool, that is extremely suitable for test loading and performance measurement.

API and Services testing has gained a lot of traction in the current generation because of obvious reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to use a tool, which comes with plenty of features and options to enhance the activity. It is commonly used for services testing and API testing to enhance the performance.


Pros and Cons of Apache JMeter

Pros of Apache JMeter
  • Lightweight and open source
  • Results of the testing can be replayed
  • Supports CSV Files
Cons of Apache JMeter
  • Not many options

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is a multi-level testing tool to perform various kinds of testing. The versatile features allow testers to enjoy better feasibility while performing testing. It lets you test web, mobile, API and desktop applications to a major extent. The all in one tool gives a good room to enjoy multiple features at the same time.

The modern-day applications and tools come with a different set of benefits to attract testers. Katalon Studio offers window to use windows, MACOS and Linux easily. The user-friendly options in the tool have made itself a popular tool for a long time now.


Pros and Cons of Katalon Studio

Pros of Katalon Studio
  • Excellent interface for test automation
  • Built-in keywords for test cases
  • Suitable for both automated and exploratory testing
Cons of Katalon Studio
  • No Regular updates


The software industry has taken a lot of turns ever since it has come into existence. Advanced technologies have changed the path of working style in most of the areas. Therefore, It is necessary to stick to technology to enjoy more benefits.

Software testing is a field, which is in huge demand for a long time. The modern-day testing tools with automation features have provided a way to cut costs and increase quality. Most of the tools come in both free and paid options. The free version of the tool usually contains basic options suit for general needs. A paid version gives enough exposure to working on massive projects.

it is important to know and explore different tools in the market to take better mileage of the option. the above-listed tools provide a friendly interface to enhance the output with quality.

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